2022 Supporters

2022 Donations & 2020-22 Pledges DEFENDERS OF JUSTICE Defenders of Justice are the law firms that donated at the $325 per attorney level each year of our 2020-2022 Justice for All Bar Campaign. Shook Hardy & Bacon, LLP 3-year pledge of $268,125 Stinson, LLP 3-year pledge of $136,500 Spencer Fane, LLP 3-year pledge of $62,400…

FAQ (English)

What is the Urban Homesteading Program? This is for individuals who can fix up a house that is currently in very bad condition.   Who qualifies for the Urban Homesteading Program? People with construction skills and experience working on repairing homes, as well as enough regular income to rehabilitate a home. Applicants are also required…

FAQ (Spanish)

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Legal Aid y el Programa de “Urban Homesteading” (Viviendas Urbanas) ¿Qué es el Programa de Viviendas Urbanas? Es para individuales que pueden arreglar una casa en muy mala condición. ¿Quién califica para el programa de Viviendas Urbanas? Personas con habilidades de construcción y experiencia trabajando en reparo de casas, y con suficiente…

Urban Homesteading Project Photos

Urban homesteading is a unique opportunity for individuals with construction skills and/or experience in home repair to acquire and rehab homes in poor condition. Eligible properties are truly abandoned and cannot be purchased or otherwise acquired. The houses must be 1. Vacant for at least six months continuously; 2. Delinquent on taxes for at least two…